Project Deliverables & Мilestones

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Public Deliverables are available for download.

List of Deliverables

No.Deliverable TitlePartner(s)  Deadline
Annex 1 --- Annex 2 --- Annex 3 --- Annex 4
D6.1Initial Training Plan and CDE PlanMU30.06.2023
D7.1Data Management PlanMU30.06.2023
D1.1Report on Research and Exploitation Potential and Market AnalysisNII SAS31.12.2023
D4.1Tau biomarker identification in CFS and bloodNII SAS31.12.2023
D5.3Plan of the Communication CampaignICRC31.12.2023
D1.2Preliminary Joint R&I StrategyMU + NII SAS30.09.2024
D4.6Validation of low input microRNA sequencing protocolMDX31.01.2025
D4.2Optimized protocol of the purfication and selective phosphorylation of selected Tau fragments prepared recombinantly and Molecular basis of ApoE oligomerization and aggregationMU31.12.2024
D6.2Interim Training and CDE Report and PlanMU31.12.2024
D4.4Assigned solution NMR spectra of the selected Tau fragmentsMU - LF31.08.2025
D1.4Evaluation Report by the EABMU31.12.2025
D3.2Technology Transfer FrameworkMU31.12.2025
D4.3Novel tau species in the CSF and blood and in the medium of iPSCs and Tau assay developmentMU31.12.2025
D5.1Report on the AD cohortsICRC31.12.2025
D4.5Structural analyses of the selected tau biomarkers and validations of assays and new biomarkersMU31.10.2026
D4.7Identification and validation of microRNA biomarkers for ADMDX31.10.2026
D1.3Final Joint R&I Strategy and Report on Business/User NetworkingMU31.12.2026
D2.1Final Research Plans and Findings of Feasibility StudiesMU + NII SAS31.12.2026
D3.1Final Investment Plans and Findings of Patentability StudiesBIOVENDOR31.12.2026
D5.2Harmonisation of recruitment and diagnostics method and Report on Non-pharmacological InterventionsICRC31.12.2026
D5.4Summary of the Communication CampaignICRC31.12.2026
D6.3Final Training Report and Scientific Report on Industrial PhDs, CDE Plan for post-project periodMU31.12.2026

List of Milestones

No.Milestone TitlePartner(s)WithinDeadline
MS16Industrial PhDs RecruitedNII SASD6.130.06.2023
MS1R&I Needs and Gaps AnalyzedNII SASD1.131.12.2023
MS5First batches of recombinantly prepared selected Tau fragmentsMUD4.131.12.2023
MS15Communication Campaign Plan AdoptedICRCD5.331.12.2023
MS12Completion of miRNA sequencing protocolMDXD4.631.12.2025
MS6Knowledge on the molecular mechanism of ApoE aggregationMUD4.231.12.2024
MS7Novel tau biomarkers in CSF and bloodNII SASD4.330.06.2025
MS8Structural characterization of Tau fragmentsMUD4.531.08.2025
MS2External Advisory Board EstablishedMUD1.531.12.2025
MS14AD Cohorts RecruitmentICRCD5.131.12.2025
MS4Brokerage Events OrganisedJICD6.330.06.2026
MS9Structural characterization of fibrils formed by selected Tau fragmentsMUD4.530.06.2026
MS10Determined binding epitopes of selected proteins and antibodies within the selected Tau fragmentsNII SASD4.531.10.2026
MS11Tau assayNII SASD4.531.10.2026
MS13Characterization of biomarker panel for ADMDXD4.631.10.2026
MS17Training Plan CompletedMUD6.331.10.2026
MS18Industrial PhDs CompletedNII SASD6.331.10.2026
MS192 Summer schools organisedNII SASD6.2, D6.331.10.2026
MS3Joint R&I Strategy FinalisedMUD1.431.12.2026
MS208 Project Workshops organisedMUD6.331.12.2026