Excellence Hubs
Excellence Hubs are part of the European Excellence Initiative focusing on innovation by allowing R&I ecosystems in widening countries and beyond to team up and create better linkages between academia, business, government and society. In this respect, ADDIT-CE will foster a real place-based innovation culture in two regions closely interconnected geographically, economically, historically and culturally.
Budget: 50.000.000€
Applications: 102; Funded: 10; Success rate: 9,8 %
Excellence hubs will contribute to strenghtening regional innovation excellence in placed based innovation ecosystems by cross border collaboration on a common strategy and/or alongside value adding chain
Expected outcomes:
- Strengthened linkages between science and business
- Poles of attraction for talents in catching up regions and countries
- Improved knowledge transfer and development of entrepreneurial skills
- Uptake of innovative technologies
- New business opportunities especially for SMEs and new employment
- Creating innovation ecosystems in cutting edge science fields
- Developing joint R&I strategies of European relevance
- Establishing common investment plans for R&I leveraging European funds and private capital
- Managing R&I pilot p roje cts aligned to RIS 3
- Acquiring new competencies and skills for researchers and entrepreneurs