Past events
The Prague Gerontology Days Conference 2024
Annual two-day conference 2-3 October 2024, Prague, Czechia 2024 topic: Partnership and collaboration in improving life with dementia Annual meeting of professionals in the field of gerontology (social workers, carers, nurses, doctors, therapists and others), organised by ČALS since 1998. More information available here. | |
Alzheimer Forum 2024 | |
International scientific conference 19 September 2024, Ružomberok, Slovakia Horizons and limits: The challenges of modern science, health and social care in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. More information here. | |
Alzheimer Slovakia | |
May 2024, Košice, Slovakia Annual conference organized by SALS, hosting professional speakers from various spheres linked to diagnostics, treatment and care for patients with Alzheimer's disease, aims to inform and support patients, volunteers, and caregivers from the general public. | |
ADDIT-CE Invited lecture | |
27 May 2024, Brno Tomáš Sládeček (GENETON) From CNVs to NarCoS and finally back to Liquid Biopsy The lecture was held on the premises of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czechia. | |
AD workshop No.3
23 May 2024, BioVendor LM, Brno Third of our traditional AD-workshops took place on 23rd May 2024. As usual, project partners as well as researchers beyond the consortium had a space where to share their knowledge, present their research results and engage in the very needed networking processes, this time again on the grounds of the BioVendor company in Brno.
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__________ ADDIT-CE Invited lecture | |
16 May 2024, Bratislava Madhumalar Subramanian (MUNI SCI) Structural and biophysical characterization of apolipoprotein E nanodiscs The lecture was held on the premises of NIISAS in Bratislava, Slovakia. | |
ADDIT-CE Invited lecture | |
6 May 2024, Brno Ondrej Cehlár (NII SAS) Research on conformational preferences of the naturally disordered tau protein The lecture was given at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia. |
36th Global Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International | |
24-26 April 2024, Kraków, Poland Organized by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), global conference on dementia took place in Kraków, Poland, in April 2024. ADI conferences are held every two years attracting over 1,000 delegates from all corners of the world, inviting international range of keynote speakers and oral and poster presenters, whose talks report on the latest advances in each of the 7 action areas of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Global action plan on dementia. More about the conference here. |
Training for Family Caregivers
8 February - 28 March 2024, 8 online courses Thursdays 17:30-19:00 In February, CALS, member of the project consortium, organized eight online trainings for family carers. Those were held every Thursday evening from 5:30PM. Individual topics, issues and further information can be found here. |
6th Mini-Symposium On The Blood-Brain Barrier | |
19-20 March 2024, Smolenice, Slovakia In March, Slovak Academy of Sciences Congress Centre in Smolenice Castle Slovakia hosted the 6th Mini-Symposium on The Blood-Brain Barrier, from Basic to Clinical Research, organized by ADDIT-CE project partner NII SAS. The symposium programme encompassed a comprehensive exploration of BBB, including the heterogeneity of activated brain immune cells under various pathological conditions. |
Brain Awareness Week Slovakia 2024 | |
"Týždeň mozgu" 11 - 17 March 2024, several venues in Slovakia Following the global Brain Awareness Week initiative, partners of the project collaborated in facilitating various events aimed to raise awareness of the brain and brain research with respect to AD (some topics: memory, memory loss and memory training; active life and mental health; new technologies, research and labs). The events were organized by SALS and took place at several venues across Slovakia. For more information please continue to official webpage. |
ADDIT-CE Invited lecture | |
13 February 2024, Bratislava Dáša Bohačiaková (MUNI MED) Cerebral Organoids as a Model for Studying Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurological Disorders The lecture was held at the Biomedical Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (BMC SAS) in Bratislava, Slovakia. | |
ADDIT-CE Coordinator receives MUNI Scientist 2023 Award
12 December 2023, Brno Project coordinator Jozef Hritz has been awarded a MUNI Scientist 2023 for his receiving of the EXCELLENCE HUBS grant - our very ADDIT-CE project. Congratulations!! MUNI Scientist recognises scientists from the Masaryk University for their results and significant achievements in their fields. For the term 2022-2023, total of 37 scientists have been awarded, you can find the full list and additional information here. | |
Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection in Research
28 November 2023, online workshop Speakers: Veronika Štěpánková (JIC) & Peter Kilián (MultiplexDX) When is it important to address intellectual property protection in biotechnology? How can innovative processes and inventions, which are often the most valuable assets in the scientific world, be protected? What is the journey from an idea to starting a company and owning a business in this sphere? This and more has been discussed at the 1st soft skills workshop in November, held by project partner institutions JIC and MultiplexDX. |
AD workshop No.2 | |
15 November 2023, Orea Hotel Santon, Brno The next in the series of AD-workshops took place on Wednesday 15 November 2023. Project partners as well as researchers beyond the consortium had been invited to participate in the workshop and share their knowledge and research results. We all met in the Santon Hotel, Brno, and together with the project partners followed up the next day with a project meeting at CEITEC MU. | |
The Prague Gerontology Days Conference 2023
Annual two-day conference 11-12 October 2023, Prague, Czechia 2023 topic: Dignity in Dementia Annual meeting of professionals in the field of gerontology (social workers, carers, nurses, doctors, therapists and others), organised by ČALS since 1998. More information here. | |
Týden paměti 2023
"Memory" Week 4-24 September 2023, Prague and other cities in Czechia Various events related to education, awareness raising and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, marking the occassion of World Alzheimer's Day - September 21! More information here. | |
__________ Alzheimer Forum 2023 | |
International scientific conference 21 September 2023, Ružomberok, Slovakia The Future of Generations: Innovations in prevention, diagnostics and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases More information here. | |
1st ADDIT-CE summer school
20-24 June 2023, Smolenice, Slovakia
The first ADDIT-CE summer school was organized by NII SAS at Smolenice Castle, Slovakia on 20th – 24th June 2023. The school was focused on Diagnostic Tools and Biomarkers. The participants had the opportunity to improve in the multidisciplinary areas of development of biologics and diagnostic tools, such as the search for therapeutic targets and biomarkers, use of biologics in therapy and diagnostics, development of drugs and biomarkers, current diagnostic approaches, bioinformatics tools in the development of drugs and biomarkers, structural-biological foundations of drug development and biomarkers. |
AD workshop No.11-2 June 2023, Brno, Czechia After a short break, we were very happy to renew the tradition of AD meetings established by Jiří Damborský several years ago. The first out of a series of eight Alzheimer´s Disease workshops (AD workshops) took place on 1st and 2nd of June 2023. The first day of the workshop was organized at CEITEC MU, Brno, the Czech Republic and it was dedicated to the consortium members only and the main focus was on the implementation of the tasks and work packages. The second day of the workshop was available to the researchers beyond the project consortium. It took place on the grounds of BioVendor company, Brno, the Czech Republic, one of the ADDIT-CE partners. | |